White Coat Ceremony 2019

The 2019 White Coat Ceremony took place on September 16th in the UPMS Aula with nearly 400 students recieving their White Coats.

The picture gallery can be found here

Multicultural Recipe Book

The University of Pécs would like to publish a Multicultural Recipe Book with delicious recipes from all around the globe!
If you study at ANY of the faculties in Pécs and know any of your grandmas’ secret recipes WE WANT TO HEAR IT!!
Please, send us the recipes in English and indicate if the ingredients are available in Pécs. If they are not available, could you suggest some alternatives which are available in our city?
Don’t forget to include the instructions to these delicious dishes. A variety of recipes will be selected by a panel of editors.

AMBOSS trial for the students of UPMS.

We have managed to provide all of you with 40 days free trial of AMBOSS.

It is an excellent website with all the study material for preclinical and clinical subjects. It even has study material and sample questions including the USMLE question banks! All you have to do is click the link below and follow the steps in order to sign up.

The free access ends on OCTOBER 16th, so be sure to use it! We’d greatly appreciate your feedback

New announcement for final year clinical traineeship

Senior Medical Student Program at Weill Medical College of Cornell University in the USA

The University of Pécs Medical School calls for applications of final year general medicine students for a four-week internship at Weill Medical College of Cornell University in New York, which provides a traineeship opportunity for medical students who are in their 5th year at the time of application and are available in the fall semester of the 2017/2018 academic year

U-Campus questionnaires

An investment company is planning to build student housing facilities and apartments in-front of the main building of the school, and would like to ask your opinions about how to better meet your needs. There is a link to questionnaires in English and German, both are aimed at assessing the living condition medical students require. If you could could spare a few minutes to share your opinion, it would be a massive help to them.

English questionnaire ; German questionnaire
