New announcement for final year clinical traineeship
Senior Medical Student Program at Weill Medical College of Cornell University in the USA
The University of Pécs Medical School calls for applications of final year general medicine students for a four-week internship at Weill Medical College of Cornell University in New York, which provides a traineeship opportunity for medical students who are in their 5th year at the time of application and are available in the fall semester of the 2017/2018 academic year
The Announcement and the Application Form are available at the homepage of the Office for International Relations and Erasmus Programme.
(özi Kapcsolatok Irodája, Erasmus Iroda)
Application deadline: 23rd March (Thursday) 2017, 12:00
Further information:
Ms. Anett Tomózer, Faculty Erasmus coordinator
Erasmus Office – Main Building of MS, 1st. floor