CoVid-19 Information

Dear Students

Here you will be able to find links to all the topics surrounding the Corona Virus and how the university is dealing with it.

1. Our University’s Rector has ordered a spring break between March 16th and 22nd:

2. Student visits to higher educational institutions or to the University's practicing institutions and other partner organizations are prohibited. This also applies to 6th year students, so taking exams is NOT allowed! (2/2020; 3/2020)

3. Our University is preparing for distance teaching. Each institution and individual organization unit will devise their action plans by March 16. (9/2020)

4. Dormitories are closed indefinitely. International students may continue to stay. The students of Boszorkány dormitory have to move to their new location as follows. The students of the Szántó and Damjanich dormitories and the students of the Hunyor Hostel are not affected by the in-between moving. EHÖK will assist you in the process of moving:
Boszorkány -> Szántó – March 18th

5. The items of those who left the dormitory temporarily are going to be stored by the University for longer period of time if needed. Returning to collect the personal belongings is NOT obligatory, they are going to be gathered with the room codes attached to them and an inventory list is going to be written by the University. Pay attention that maximum 5 dormitory rooms can be visited altogether at the same time on these dates:
Laterum Dormitory - March 16th
Szalay László Dormitory - March 16-17th
Szántó Dormitory - March 16-17th
Jakabhegyi Dormitory - March 16-17th
Boszorkány Dormitory - March 16-19th

6. Students are encouraged not to travel back to their home country or any other places. Our University cannot guarantee that you will be able to finalize your semester from abroad. Distance exam cirteria is currently in development:

7. A university proposal to Tempus Foundation will be made for bearing the costs of the cancelled Erasmus trips. (8/2020)

8. Hungary’s borders are closed to foreigners from 16th of March. Only Hungarian citizens and EEA (European Economic Area) country citizens with permanent residence card (not Address card/Lakcímkártya; not Registration Card/Regisztrációs igazolás) will be allowed to enter.…/coronavirus-update-pm-orban-annou…/…/foreign_citizens_barred_from_entering_…

9. Student card validation is suspended, but the previous semester’s stickers will be valid for 15 days after the emergency situation is over:…/Diaki…/ervenyesites_szunetel_neptun.pdf

10. The University’s libraries are temporarily closed. Their online services will remain accessible at all times and no late fees will be charged at this time:

11. You can find information about this semester’s applications here:

12. The date of International Evening wristband, Dentistry Days registration & raffle ticket return will be announced when we can all return to University facilities. The IE will be handled by EGSC, the Dentistry Days will be handled by HÖK.
IE -…/…/a.661146763915556/3039669002729975
Dentistry Days -

13. We inform you that during the state of emergency, all administrative matters will be handled electronically.

14. The periodic health aptitude tests are suspended until further notice: (Hungarian source)

15. If you have been in one of the infected countries in the past 14 days, please fill out the following questionnaire:

16. Helpful hints and tips on the virus infection. If there is a suspicion of the coronavirus infection, please call the PTE Hotline:
+36 30 577 3764

17. It has come to the University’s leadership’s attention, that the 14 day home quarantine rules are being broken by many students. Violation of the following regulations may lead to legal consequences by the government. In these cases, the University’s leadership will also investigate the matter.
- Stay at home!
- Do not accept visitors!
- Order groceries and meals online with home delivery, or ask your friend to do it for you!
- Minimise contact with those who live with you!
- Use and clean your own household utensils and clothes!

18. Clubs, pubs, cinemas, libraries and other cultural facilities will be closed. Restaurants, cafes, and shops will close at 3pm every day. This restriction will not apply to grocery stores, drug stores, pharmacies, post offices, filling stations and tobacco shops.…/coronavirus-update-pm-orban-announ……/coronavirus-update-post-offices-w…/

19. Regardless of the number of guests/participants it is forbidden to organise both indoor and outdoor events, meetings. Religious gatherings are an exception.…/coronavirus-update-pm-orban-announ…

Continuously updated summary pages:
ENG - Info from the Hungarian Government:
ENG - Info from UPMS:
GER - Info from UPMS:

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