EGSC donation to the Institute of Anatomy

To further enhance the quality of education at the Medical School EGSC has ordered state of the art, handmade SOMSO anatomical models from Germany per suggestion of the Institute of Anatomy which were recently handed over to the institute.
EGSC hopes that students will reap the benefits in the years to come.

White Coat Ceremony for students starting their pre-clinical studies

As a new initiative by EGSC, the first ever "White Coat Ceremony" of the Medical School will be held on Monday, 3 October, 2016 from 17:00 to 18:15 at the Aula, the ceremony is for those English/German/Hungarian program students who are starting their pre-clinical studies this semester and have previously registered through our online form.

Coffee Break with the Dean - 27 Sept. and 5 October

Following the success of the event last semester, Coffee Break with the Dean is announced again. You can have an informal meeting with Dr. László Czopf, Vice-Dean for Education next Tuesday, between 9.30 and 10.30 a.m., and with Dr. Attila Miseta, Dean on 5th October, between 9.30 and 10.30 a.m. Both events will be held on the hallway of the 3rd floor of the Main Building.

Dance Group of Dankook University at UPMS

Dance Group of Dankook University in Korea revisits University of Pécs Medical School on 28th of September 2016, 4.30 PM. This performance will show the various aspects of Korean traditional dance.
Entrance is free of charge.

EGSC elections 2016

Dear fellow students,

EGSC board elections for the academic year 2016-17 will be held on September 21st at 5 PM in the Dean's conference room on the first floor, behind the mosaic. We kindly ask all the current group leaders and year representatives to be present.

We kindly ask all the year reps and group leaders of each year to send us an email with names, phone numbers and the year/group they represent to reconfirm their status for this academic year.

About Us

We are the English-German Student Council, the official representation of all international students at the University of Pécs Medical School. Our main goal is to protect the interest of the student body of the English and the German programs.


By law, organisations like our Student Council are obliged to formulate and publish a statute.

Front Page

See our latest news on Facebook!

  • PTE ÁOK English-German Student Council - PTE ÁOK Angol-Német Hallgatói Önkormányzat

  • Address: PTE Általános Orvostudományi Kar 7624 Pécs, Szigeti út 12.

    The EGSC office is on the 2nd floor, next to HÖK

  • Phone: Tel: +36 72 536 000 / 31125

  • Email:

Self-Study Are

New study area

 We are happy to announce the Self-Study Area in the basement is officially open and ready. Opening hours are same as those of the school's library. Please make sure to follow the three simple rules when using the study room!
